Raymond Soong Chair Professorships of Distinguished Research

To endow a global vision, professional expertise, and breadth of knowledge among NTU faculty and students, the Lite-On Technology Founder Raymond Soong committed NT$20 million of yearly donations for 10 years in 2023, amounting to NT$200 million in total, for NTU to establish “Raymond Soong Chair Professorships of Distinguished Research.” The fund aims to invite top international scholars to serve as short- to long-term chair professors and engage in academic collaborations with research teams at NTU.

Candidates for the Professorship shall be scholars in the fields of semiconductor and data science, sustainable and green energy, precision medicine, quantum technology, sinology, legal studies, or other related disciplines. They must also be either Nobel Laureates or internationally renowned heavyweight scholars.

When nominating a candidate, the hosting college or unit shall indicate how the candidate is going to carry out their missions and provide budget planning, expected outcomes, and the research and administrative resources it can provide, as specified in Article 4 of the Professorships’ Establishment Directives.



  • Pending selection