
***Please fill in the following information honestly. According to the Articles 36 and 70 of the Communicable Disease Control Act, the person who violates the law may be fined by 3,000 to 15,000 NTD.

請填下列任一證件資料(Please fill in the ID/ARC number):
身份證或居留證字號(ID/ARC Number):  

電話號碼(Phone Number):
生日(Birthday): 年(Year) 月(Month)日(Day)
填表日期(Date):2024/4/20 上午 07:18:16

Attention! In order to enter any NTU buildings, you have to check "No" in the following questions of Travel history, Follow-up Measures, Contact history, and Cluster. If you do not respond honestly, you shall take all legal liabilities therefrom. Please give up filling this questionnaire if you can not honestly check "No" in the aforementioned items.
一、 旅遊史(Travel history)
Do you escape from 14 days of home quarantine if entering Taiwan from any foreign countries, or have you been to any domestic places declared by NTU as indiscriminately subject to a 14-day absence on the campus ?
二、追蹤措施(Follow-up Measures)
Are you currently undergoing 14 days of home isolation, home quarantine, or self-health management ?
四、接觸史(Contact history)
請問您過去14天內是否有接觸從國外回台之人士 ?
Have you had contact with people who entered Taiwan from foreign countries in the past 14 days ?
發燒症狀 (額溫≧37.5℃)、咳嗽、流鼻水、鼻塞、喉嚨痛、頭痛、呼吸急促、肌肉痠痛、疲倦、味覺或嗅覺喪失、腹瀉
Are there more than 2 people (including 2 people) around you having the following symptoms in the past 14 days? fever (forehead temperature over 37.5℃) , cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, shortness of breath, loss of sense of taste or smell

According to the Medical Care Act and relevant epidemic prevention regulation, National Taiwan University(NTU) will collect, process and use the above personal data to meet the purpose of public health and communicable disease control, health and medical services and the other legal duties. You are entitled to exercise the related rights according to Article 3 of Personal Data Protection Act. NTU will properly protect the above personal data in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act. You have consented and understood the purpose of collection, processing and use of the personal data from NTU.

